There are a lot of nice looking brothas down there too?now you have me wanting to go on a mini bvacation/b to MIA!! Mar 5, 2009 - 2:16 pm. BE. @Just sit and be Pretty I think he should receive some kind of mandatory, supervised, b...../b I just think she think?s i?m a playa(couldn?t be bfurtha/b from the truth), cause I have a lot of friends.? Hmmm, women?s intuition is usually ? if not always ? on point. And maybe she?s thinking about how much you?re still on the scene when b.../b
When I interviewed the supposed star signing, ex-MLS (and ex-everything else) player Darren Sawatzky, he met me for a cocktail at the Driftwood Room in the old Mallory bHotel/b. b..../b buttons, scarves, tattoos, hats, posters, leaflets, etc., all of which incorporate a diverse range of artistic influences and personal touches. It is not, to say the very least, thirty thousand brand new Sounders fans wearing the same jerseys and holding aloft the same giveaway scarves. bfurtho/bb.../b
When I interviewed the supposed star signing, ex-MLS (and ex-everything else) player Darren Sawatzky, he met me for a cocktail at the Driftwood Room in the old Mallory bHotel/b. b..../b buttons, scarves, tattoos, hats, posters, leaflets, etc., all of which incorporate a diverse range of artistic influences and personal touches. It is not, to say the very least, thirty thousand brand new Sounders fans wearing the same jerseys and holding aloft the same giveaway scarves. bfurtho/bb.../b